Babylon 5 was a science fiction TV series that aired back in the 1990s. It was about a massive space station that was under the command of Earth. It was a fantastic series, and is available on physical media, as well as HBO-Max.
In the show, the space station was protected by several wings of space fighters known as Starfuries. They were one of the best-designed, and coolest-looking space fighters to ever launch from a TV series.
This is a model kit of the B-5 Starfury that was released by Revell/Monogram in 1/72 scale.
But instead of doing the standard Starfury assigned to Babylon 5, I decided to do mine up as a Psi Corps version. The Psi Corps was a telepath group whose fascist ideals threatened B5, as well as Earth itself.
The Psi Corps version of the Starfury was black in color, although I had decided back then to paint mine in a Navy Blue color. The Psi Corps markings came with the decal sheet. This model has to be at least 25 years old, making it one of the oldest kits that I own. I also still have her sister ship, which I built at the same time. I'll post that pther Starfury on here shortly.
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