This weekend, Netflix debuts Marvel's The Defenders, which unites the heroes from the superhero series Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist into one action-packed adventure. I've already seen The Defenders and it's immensely enjoyable and comes highly recommended. In honor of the Defenders debut, here's a list of my top ten superhero films (subject to change if or when new superhero movies come out, or if I change my mind--which is often). Let's start the countdown.
10: Ant Man -- Paul Rudd as a superhero? Oh yes, please. More of a comedic heist flick than a straight up superhero film, Ant Man is a great deal of fun. And any superhero movie that’s got the divine Evangeline Lilly in its cast can’t be all bad.
9: Iron Man -- the film that launched the present cinematic Marvel superhero universe still stands as a great flick in its own right. Superhero tropes are challenged here while Robert Downey Jr.’s considerable charm is allowed to run free.
8: X-Men: Days Of Future Past -- This is a superbly thrilling entry that’s also a great science fiction film that deals with time travel, as well as being a great superhero movie. At the end, it easily manages to juggle two separate climaxes without any confusion. And the Pentagon scene with Quicksilver is a must see. A rip-roaring ride through two timelines.
7: X-Men 2: X-Men United -- This sequel to the original X-Men is where the series really took off. A more confident film that deals with a large cast and grand themes, it still never loses sight of its characters, who are oftentimes more human than the so-called “normal” humans.
6: Captain America: Civil War -- There are so many superheroes in this film that it should not have worked. Captain America should have gotten lost in the shuffle, but thanks to the deft directing hand of the Russo Brothers, Cap remained the focus of this masterfully done film.
5: Captain America: The Winter Soldier -- A superhero movie that’s actually a 1970's-type spy flick, complete with the accompanying paranoia, and it works extremely well.
4: Spider-Man 2 -- This is still my favorite Spider-Man movie, bar none. Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus makes for a fantastic villain, and the blossoming romance between Peter Parker and Mary Jane makes this one a keeper.
3: Wonder Woman -- Director Patty Jenkins does a marvelous job at bringing the Amazonian Princess to life. Smartly setting the action during World War One, which pits Diana Prince against various injustices both on the battlefield and within society itself, Jenkins goes for a deeper resonance while still recalling the sheer joy of superhero comics. And Gail Godot shines very brightly as the new incarnation of Wonder Woman.
2: Superman (1978) -- It’s not the very first Superman film, but--forty years after its release--it remains the all-time best movie that started the current superhero genre. Director Richard Donner achieved just the right tone for the Man of Steel, which was respect for the character that was set within a believable backdrop. And Christopher Reeve remains my favorite Superman to this day. This film not only made you believe that a man could fly, but you truly believed in Superman and all he stood for.
1: The Dark Knight -- It’s not only the best superhero film, but it’s a fantastic film, period. The Dark Knight manages to take the Batman mythology and make it relevant to the modern world, thanks largely in part to Heath Ledger’s outstanding performance as the Joker. While the popcorn movie fun and excitement is there in spades, by raising the bar as high as it does, The Dark Knight also broaches some pertinent issues that remain with you long after the movie is over. A true classic. --SF
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