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Showing posts from September, 2024

Kingdom of POTA -- a review

I had always been a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes movies, from the moment my father took me to see Beneath the Planet of the Apes at the theater when I was very young. Beneath was the sequel to the original, seminal POTA , and it was a horror show dealing with subterranean humans who peeled off their faces to better worship their “God,” which was a super thermonuclear bomb. Just a toddler at the time, I fondly remembered my father abruptly pulling me into a tight hug every so often in the theater, and loving it then. But I didn’t realize, until much later, that my dad was actually making sure that I wasn’t staring at the screen whenever some of the still-disturbing images in Beneath occurred. I was greatly impressed with the smartly done POTA remakes that were recently released, starting with Rise of the Planet of the Apes , and so I looked forward to seeing the latest, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes , and I wasn’t disappointed. Taking place s