Back in 2003, they released Freddy Vs. Jason, which paired up Freddy from the Nightmare on Elm Street film with the machete-wielding star of the Friday the Thirteenth films, Jason. At the same time, Andrea Miniatures had released this great 1/32 scale figure of Freddy. I was tempted to build a diorama of these two Horror movie icons meeting. I created a Jason figure from a 1/32 scale blank. His clothes and mask were sculpted from Apopxie putty. Jason's machete was cut from a styrene sheet. I built the Freddy figure straight out of the box. He comes with this great, atmospheric stand that has a grate, girders and even a chain. I put both Freddy and Jason on a watery, dream-like base. The arms sticking out of the "water" (it was actually Flex-Paste) were extra parts from the blank figure box. May you all have a Happy Halloween!
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